
时间:2024-05-12 作者:美句润



“I wish you a wonderful dream tonight!”小编为了解决您的疑惑认真整理了关于晚安的句子唯美短句英文的相关资料。网络让我们可以随时随地与美丽相融合,优美的句子如同一杯清茶悠然自得。 阅读使人的心境变得宁静,增加内心的安宁和满足感。相信这个方法会对你的问题有所帮助!

1、You should wrap up your quilt and go to bed early, or I can't find you in my dream. Good night.

2、Im so good. If you lose it, you wont pay it back. Good night.

3、Many good dreams, less insomnia, full of energy, happy.

4、Those who receive my blessing have good luck before going to bed, good dreams after sleeping and good play when waking up.

5、Your eyes are too gentle, smile melted my heart.

6、I want to be a floating cloud, blown by the wind like you like.

7、Your good night is a love word that I will never be tired of listening to.

8、At night to cover the quilt, do not catch cold, drink milk before going to bed know!

9、Go to bed, goddess. Youll lose collagen if you stay up late.

10、Be as sincere as a child. Like the sunset, warm. Like the sky, serene.

11、On this beautiful night, I wish you good night.

12、One plough and one harvest is not necessarily; nine tills and one harvest are sure. good night!


14、Go to sleep, good night, I wish you a sweet and beautiful dream.

15、Every time I think of you, there is one more star.

16、The so-called love is when feeling, passion, romance are all removed, you still cherish each other.

17、Dream with me, will not be lonely; dream with you laugh, no longer worry.

18、Say good night to yourself and finish todays work.

19、I wish you a wonderful dream tonight!

20、Greetings do not become lazy because of fatigue, blessing does not slow down because of rest, good night!
