
时间:2024-06-06 作者:美句润





1、Sometimes when I say m ok I just want some one to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say, I know youre not 有时候我说我很好。-----其实我是多希望,有个人能看穿我的伪装并紧紧抱住我,说:我知道,你并不好。

2、Use for a period of time, understood at a time。 There was a man, you run out of all the crazy, love him, as life。 Wish there was a man, let you pack up lead China, accompany him through time。


4、Ones life may burn or decay. I cant rot, I want to burn. good morning!

5、I send you ten million today: must be happy, must be healthy, must be safe, must be smooth, must think of me at any time.

6、In the morning, when the morning glow dances her wings, gently wakes up your dream, a trace of fresh air, a ray of sunshine that brings you happiness, good morning!

7、Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through忠于你的梦想,总有一天,属于你的彩虹会出现在你的上空

8、To appreciate the pain and frustration, it is our homework, we have to train, and then break through, so as to be truly free.


10、我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。I don't want to be short of warmth, as long as you arein the company of the first world.

11、幸福不意味着凡事都完美,那只是因为你已经不再只看到缺憾了。Happiness does not mean that all things areperfect, that's only because you no longer see only drawbackDon't say everythingyou know, don't believe everything you hear. Good morning, friend!

12、We all have the animal side, as human beings, our responsibility is to become a trainer that person.

13、不见得你比别人更痛些,只不过你表达得精彩些。Not you more pain than others, but you expresssomething wonderful。

14、梦想让我与众不同,奋斗让我改变命运!早安!Dream makes me different, struggle makes me change my destiny! good morning! If you dont get up today, you cant count money in the future!

15、有时候我真的好想把心掏出来然后一把甩出去,然后说:你疼啥疼?没出息的东西。Sometimes I really want to pour outmy heart out and then a sling out, and then said: you what pain? Noambition。

16、Genius only means hard-working all ones life.天才只意味着终身不懈地努力。

17、Do not shorten the morning by getting up late; look upon it as the quintessence of life, as to a certain extent sacred.不可因起床过晚而缩短了清晨时光;把清晨当成生命的典型有如某种程度的神圣。


18、If you once eulogized the daybreak, then also asks you to embrace the darkness. 如果你曾经歌颂黎明,那么也请你去拥抱黑夜。

19、Dont always in the memory of the past lingering, dont always want to let yesterday rain wet things today。 Yesterdays sun, sun dont clothes today。 So, please look forward!



22、To change the pain, but not to change their own will endure hardship.

23、命中总有那么一段时光,充满不安,可是除了勇敢面对,我们别无选择。Hit there is always a period of time, fullof nervous, but in addition to brave face, we have no other choice。

24、Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be.每个清晨,当我睁开双眼,会对自己说:我,而不是我之外的什么东西,来决定我今天是快乐或不快乐。我自己能选择。

25、无论生活怎样,都不要忘记微笑。愿你成为自己的太阳,无需凭借谁的光。No matter what life is like, don't forgetto smile. May you be your own sun, without whose light you need.

26、Is predestined friends the people, no matter be apart, never away, eventually is gather together, hand in hand to the world of mortals。

27、When I thought I couldnt go on, I forced myself to keep goingMy success is based on persistence, not luck当我以为我无法继续走下去时,我强迫自己要继续前进。我的成功是基于我的坚持,并非运气。

28、Must stand up again, tell yourself, continue to go, journey is not over, even if to pick up something already were crushed to pieces。

29、No matter how steep mountains, always leave a climbing Road as the horns of people.

30、Look at the sky: its ready for you Look at the faces of everyone in the street: they are also prepared for you When you have nothing, wake up in the morning to think about this


32、有时候,越想忘记,却越刻骨铭心。早安,朋友!Sometimes, the more I want to forget, the more Iremember. Good morning, friend!

33、Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a mystery, in the face of today, do your best!




36、Wake up every morning, you and the sun in, this is the future I want to. 每天早上醒来,你和阳光都在,这就是我想要的未来。



39、Most importantly, brave to follow your heart and intuition。 Decide a persons life, and the entire fate, is just a moment。

40、Heres my love. Take it.Heres my heart, dont break it. Heres my hand, hold it. And together we will make it forever.这是我的爱,收下吧。这是我的心,别打碎了。这是我的手,握好了。我们将在一起,永远…永远…。

41、Your efforts, not necessarily in the eyes of others, you dont work hard, others must be in my heart。 What else can be lazy, a new day, come on, friends!

42、Wed better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past

43、Good morning, remember to have breakfast!


45、The real value is not in the stage of life, but in the role we play.

46、爱情永不死。The darkness is no darkness with thee.


48、愿一个问候带给你一个新的心情,愿一个祝福带给你一个新的起点。早上好!May a greeting bring you a new mood anda blessing bring you a new starting point. Good morning!

49、爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。If I know what love is, it is because of you.

50、As long as you do not give up the efforts and the pursuit, the grass also has the value of dotted spring.
