
时间:2024-07-04 作者:美句润




1、当一切回不到从前时,我们只能向前看,往前走,对自己好。When things don’t go back to the way they were, we can only look forward, forward, for their own good.

2、学会爱自己宠自己,把更多的机会留给自己。Learn to love yourself and spoil yourself, leaving more opportunities for yourself.

3、人的命,三分天注定,七分靠打拼。今天是自己的生日,祝自己快乐!Man's life is doomed in three days and seven points depend on hard work. Today is my birthday, I wish myself happy!

4、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须充满光明。祝自己生日快乐!He who dares to declare war on darkness must have light in his heart. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOURSELF!

5、想要你和我一辈子,祝自己生日快乐。I want you and me to wish each other happy birthday for the rest of our lives.

6、永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶。Always Young, always in tears.

7、祝自己19岁生日快乐,希望自己天天开心学业有成。I wish myself a happy 19th birthday and hope that I will be happy and successful in my studies every day.

8、愿你有随处可惜的江湖 也有追风逐梦的骁勇。May you have the courage to follow the wind and the dream.

9、人的命,三分天注定,七分靠奋斗。祝自己生日快乐!Man's life is destined for three days and seven for struggle. Happy birthday to myself!

10、我忘了我自己的生日,却忘不了你的生日。I forget my own birthday, but not your own.

11、生日快乐,今天过得愉快!Happy birthday, have a nice day!

12、做自己想做的事,爱自己想爱的人,一步一步实现自己的价值,生日快乐!Do what you want to do, love the person you want to love, realize your value step by step, happy birthday!

13、你觉得生活很艰难,是因为你只想靠自己。you find life difficult because you just want to be on your own.

14、生日快乐,又老了一岁,感谢给我过生日的朋友们。Happy birthday and one year older. Thank you for your birthday friends.

15、祝自己生日快乐!做个无忧无虑的大姑娘!Happy birthday to myself! Be a carefree girl!

16、热烈祝贺我的生辰!愿你的计划都能实现、愿我的生活永远美丽!Warm congratulations on my birthday! May all your plans come true, and may my life be beautiful forever!

17、我忘了我自己的生日。I forgot my own birthday.

18、又涨了一岁,祝自己生日快乐,2019年顺顺利利的,加油!Another year up, happy birthday to myself, 2019 smooth, come on!

19、致自己:愿你合上笔盖的那一刻有武士将刀收回剑鞘般的骄傲。To Myself: May the moment you close your pen, a warrior draws his sword back into its sheath.

20、祝我自己生日快乐、要快乐一定要快乐。I wish myself a happy birthday, to be happy must be happy.

21、希望你活得烈马青葱,不为他人的目光所困。I hope you live your life in style and don’t get caught in the eye of others.

22、还是要长大的,可爱不是长久之计。You have to grow up. Being cute isn’t a long-term solution.

23、一个属于自己的日子,属于妈妈的日子,快乐,又心痛。A day of my own, a day of my mother, happy and heartbreaking.

24、生日快乐,有生之年天天快乐。Happy birthday, happy every day of my life.

25、每一个平凡的日子都有小小的幸福冒出,祝自己生日快乐!Every ordinary day has a small happiness, I wish their own happy birthday!

26、海浪为劈风斩浪的航船饯行,为随波逐流的轻舟送葬。祝自己生日快乐!Waves are for sailing boats, and funerals for boats drifting along with the waves. Happy birthday to myself!


28、给昨天的自己补上一句生日快乐!默默许个愿!Add a happy birthday to yourself yesterday! Make a wish!

29、祝自己生日快乐!新的一年也要棒棒的鸭。Happy birthday to myself! A great duck for the new year.

30、求快乐时非快乐,得便宜处失便宜。祝自己生日快乐。To be happy is not to be happy; to gain advantage is to lose advantage. Happy Birthday to yourself.

31、祝我无坚不摧,祝我百毒不侵,祝我生日快乐,愿往后余生不负自己,一切安好!May I be indestructible, may I be invulnerable, may I have a happy birthday, may the rest of my life live up to me, all well!


33、不管什么天气记得随时带上自己的阳光,不管什么遭遇记得内心装满开心的童话。No matter what the weather remember to take their own sunshine, no matter what experience remember heart full of happy fairy tales.

34、相信是成功的起点,坚持是成功的终点。祝自己生日快乐!belief is the starting point of success, perseverance is the end point of success. happy birthday to myself!

35、又一次回到原点,我希望自己永远是个小仙女!Once again, I hope I will always be a fairy!


37、要长大,要乖,要不负众望,祝自己生日快乐!To grow up, to be good, to live up to expectations, I wish a happy birthday!

38、愿你一生努力,一生被爱。每天都是阳光万里,都有鲜花怒放。may you work hard all your life and be loved all your life. every day is sunshine, there are flowers in full bloom.
